Building Your Best-Fit College List

What sets this service apart

Other college consultants have:
  • Rigid and systematic scheduling and services
  • Burdensome homework assignments for the student and family
  • Unnecessary and exuberant fees $$$!
EDNavigatgors has:
  • Flexible and personalized scheduling and services
  • Optimized and distilled information gathering to give back time to your family
  • Reasonable and below-average fees $

The Best-Fit College List Process:


Best Fit 1 Meeting: 1-on-1 meeting with Sandy and the student over Zoom. - The student and parents will have completed questionnaires prior to this meeting.- (This meeting is just for the student and Educational Consultant (Sandy)- It is important that it just be the student- Parents will be included in the next meeting) 

Best Fit 2 Meeting: The student and parent(s)/legal guardian(s) meet over Zoom to discuss survey results, testing results, big picture higher education, a testing plan, and activities suggestions. – This session should be scheduled for date about a week after the Best Fit 1 Meeting in order to give our team enough time to gather and analyze the student's information and perform customized research.

During the final meeting, the student and family receive:

  • 3 Student-Focused Reports:
  1. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  2. Birkman Method
  3. Strong Interest Inventory and MBTi Career Report with Strong College Profile.

These reports provide life-long value as the student progresses through life decisions beyond college.

  • Custom Career and Major Suggestions 
  • Sample Curriculums for Suggested Majors
  • A balanced list of suggested best-fit colleges.

This list considers academic fit, social fit, financial fit, cultural fit, environmental fit/ location

  • A timeline for application requirements and deadlines

  • Predicted pricing for each university (e.g. scholarships/merit money)
  • A tool for deeper dives into specific universities

  • Individual time to ask specific questions about your child and the college process

The Full College Process

*STEPS 1-4 are Part of the Best Fit College List Package 
After the results presentation at the Best Fit 2 Meeting, all meetings and services are a-la-cart
*STEP 5 Assistance with Filling out and/or Editing the Application and Essay Assistance These application/essay services are not part of the Best Fit College List Package. They are offered to students who completed the Best Fit College List Package as supplemental services and billed hourly.
LEARNING about you
  • Intake Form
  • One-on-one Zoom Meeting
  • 3 Student Focused Inventories 
  • College Match Survey 
  • College Culture Survey
  • Parent/legal guardian questionnaire
  • High School Transcript 
TEACHING you about concepts and options in higher education
  • 2 year, 4 year, vocational, MD, Masters

  • By Type (National, Regional, Research, Masters), size, and competitive category

  • What is Liberal Arts? the Ivy League?

  • What are speciality schools? Fair Test Schools?

  • Pros and Cons of location (urban, suburban, rural)

  • Search engine overview

  • Score Choice (different ways colleges interpret scores)

  • GPA – weighted vs unweighted (how different schools interpret GPA’s)

MATCHING you with schools that meet your criteria
  • We visit and meet with admission reps from a minimum of 25 schools each year

  • We attend conferences and meetings focused on the current college climate and the latest in the application process/admission trends

  • We have experience navigating and evaluating the perspectives/accuracy of multiple search engines

  • We have worked with hundreds of students to help them find their best-fit in education

EDUCATE & help plan application strategies
  • Early Decision

  • Early Action

  • Rolling Admissions

  • Regular

  • What tests to take?


  • Profile

IMPLEMENTING the application strategies
  • College Application

  • Essays

  • Letters of Recommendation

  • Transcripts 

Intro to College Search & Best Fit

This package helps the student and family narrow their college list based on personality, learning style, location, etc. Across two 1 hour meetings we will build a roadmap for the application process with access to a robust and comprehensive tool for college research.

Click here to Schedule a Complimentary Call with Sandy

EdNavigators Hourly Services

To book any of the services mentioned on the left (in step 5) including college essay assistance, college applications edits, and more click the link below. Please note that these additional hourly services are only offered to students and families that have already purchased a test prep package (except for essay prep).  

Click to Learn More